EU Symposium: “Finding the balance; exploring solutions in the debate surrounding patents and plant breeders’ rights”

During this symposium several organisations gave their view about the pros and cons of the patentability of biological material.
The chairman of the Expert Group, that evaluated the biotech directive, presented the results of their work. This report is available on the website of the European Commission.
Attention was paid to possible solutions for the right way to protect innovations in the plant breeding industry. And several times during the symposium the International Licensing Platform (ILP) Vegetable was mentioned as an important contribution of the vegetable breeding sector to guarantee access to patents, covering biological material at a reasonable price. And a presentation of the ILP Vegetable was given by Managing Director Chris van Winden.
You can find the programme of the symposium here.
The presentations of all speakers during this symposium are published on the website of the European Commission.
Published on 23 May 2016